The Correct Way to Tie a Single Loop Drawstring

The Correct Way to Tie a Single Loop Drawstring

Continuous loop drawstrings can cause all sorts of issues if tied incorrectly. Learn how to tie these drawstrings, the proper way, with step by step directions, infographic, and video.

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70 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster, and Stay Asleep Longer.

70 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster, and Stay Asleep Longer.

Sweat shorts and sleep go hand in hand. I decided to do some research, and find all the different ways to fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer.

There are a lot of tips and tricks that I have never heard of. Especially in the food section!

Lets get started.

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Sweat Shorts' Drawstrings 101.

Sweat Shorts' Drawstrings 101.

Do you hate belts? Me too. I will always recommend drawstrings and elastic. Drawstrings come in many styles. Some are more basic than others, but the main point is securing your sweatshorts.

Why am I even talking about drawstrings? Drawstrings make or break a pair of sweat shorts for me. They may be the last thing I look at. But details are important.

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Before You Buy, Guide to Sweat Short Fabric

Before You Buy, Guide to Sweat Short Fabric

When buying sweatshorts do you focus on the material? You should. Sweatshorts are typically made from three different types of material. Once keeps you warm while the other keeps you cool. Most sweatshorts are comfortable and that is the reason we wear them. But understanding what material they are made from gives you a distinct advantage when buying over the average consumer.

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